April-May Machine Learning AI and Blockchain Newsletter

Data Science Bootcamp


AI at Tesla, Blockchain Hackathons, Solana in Real Life, Machine Learning, Technical Interviews at FAAANG companies

Newsletter April-May

April-May newsletters will be divided into smaller chunks for easier reading and consumption. You might see a few emails, you can keep these for future reference, and only read what interests you today: 01 Machine learning update function, gradient descent, back propagation. How are they related 02 Tesla AI deep learning at Tesla 03 blockchain web3 basics 04 Machine Learning in Google Cloud — data analyst version 04 technical interview algorithms for large companies like FAAANG. Coming soon on-chain off-chain data analysis with blockchain public ledger.

Don’t worry if you can’t read through most of these contents. We just want to alert you that new flash cards have arrived. Keep them for future reference. You will also see these cards, appear on more landing pages like this


These full page tutorials organize flash cards and display them in a more cohesive manner, for easier reading and reference. If you like any flash cards, please give it a thumbs up, vote. 👍🏻

You might have heard FAAANG companies like Facebook and Netflix are losing their teeth (pun intended) in the recent earning season. But data and developer skills are transferable. Let’s talk about Tesla and blockchain web3 in this newsletter so our readers can be future-proof.

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These are on the payments page. You can also find the TOS here : https://ml.learn-to-code.co/legal_terms_of_services_TOS.html


Solana Pay atlas cafe (san francisco) takeover event. Blockchain in real life : Developer life is good. Crypto web3 blockchain development is where the 💰 is at. We were able to attend a Solana event in person in San Francisco. Most of the events are in Miami, Los Angeles or NYC. It was pretty amazing: free beer, coffee, DJ’ed lounge with NFT wall art, nearly free solana merch (25 cents for trying out the Solana Phantom mobile wallet and USDC on Solana chain), 1 cent softserve ice cream with a huge selection including the gorgeous red shiny cherry dip (courtesy of Buzz wallet in beta and kind of nice slide to pay UI). Atlas cafe gave every one an avocado NFT — a membership / discount token that allows customers to get discounts at the cafe for the entirety of May. Love the Sol beers from Mexico are filling up the fridge — it’s the same symbol as the Solana token, clever. The famous Degenerate Ape Academy are on display on beautiful digital canvases on the wall. It’s a great idea to get every one hands-on by giving them a small amount of USDC token and allow them to make real purchase right away with a small amount of token. We all got to experiment and get an idea how easy it is to pay with Solana Pay.



What are the layers of blockchain?

Understand blockchain tech layers and stack where do the names we hear fit in: Ethereum, Polkadot, Chainlink etc.

Understand blockchain layers and tech stacks 01 [pro]


Understand blockchain layers and tech stacks 02 [pro]


What is Ganache? Why Ganache? [pro, ganache, blockchain, web3]


OpenSea Developer Platform, Notes from OpenSea Developer Advocate Part 01 [pro]


What’s IPFS? the file storage of NFTs, images, websites and all things decentralized [public]


IPFS intro 02 [pro]


IPFS use case [pro] newsletter, updated


Chainlink introduction 02 [public]


Remix online IDE for smart contracts



What’s a DAO [public]



Fun fact, trivia : these driving footage are from Mountain View and Los Altos both near Stanford, are favorite spots of Stanford students after school and on weekends. Another trivia: Apple map often demos with a local favorite bakery in San Francisco called Tartine. Our founder’s tutor used to be a baker there. One thing about living in Silicon Valley is that things you read in the news happen literally around the corner. Magic. Thrilling.


We have revamped our Gradient descent, training loop (training loop explained) landing page with info on back propagation, update function and more. Check it out — linked to below.

Machine learning update function, gradient descent, back propagation, optimizer. How are they related? Let’s answer those questions. Also check out the Uniqtech guide to gradient descent and training loop landing page : https://ml.learn-to-code.co/smart_tutorial_public_machine_learning_training_step_gradient_descent.html

[gradient descent, training loop explained]

Define gradient descent in two sentences


Update function explained in details [pro, high quality]


Define back propagation in a few sentences [pro]


Google AutoML


Amazon AutoML — Natural Language Processing (NLP)



Technical interview : design an algorithm to find the square root of a number. E.g. sqr(16) is 4. [public, interview question]

https://ml.learn-to-code.co/skillView.ht ml?skill=FGwHL68GdIoLXJKNlZqW

Rethinking the fibonacci sequence ✅

What are stacks?

https://ml.learn-to-code.co/skillView.html?skill=ejVRnWwdU3lDwL0Gl6Ws Use @brave supports us and earn you #crypto $BAT 🦇 #100DaysOfCode #python #datascience

Big O notation for technical interviews [pro]


Big O intro 02 [public]


Big O interview tips [pro]


🏆 mini project — Python Generator [pro] Real interview question how does python generator work


Launch a simple local development python server [public]



Easy way to remember math functions and graphs


