GitHub Codespaces — Github’s online IDE for instant coding

4 min readNov 22, 2020

GitHub’s Codespaces (a derivation is VSCode in the cloud) has the potentially to completely change your developer workflow! Here are some cool things you can do with Github’s new online coding environment. Thanks to the power of its new owner Microsoft, Github has powered up its code editing offerings. Follow us for more cool articles like this about modern programming.

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Github Codespaces is a powerful online programming IDE. It is an instant dev environment which lives where your codes already reside. It’s your very own development environment in the cloud.

Your code already lives on GitHub. It makes sense to be able to edit them on the Github platform

Github made early access (beta) available for developers. There’s a wait list available.

When our staff accidentally tipped over coffee on the laptop, and when the laptop battery failed, and when it wouldn’t turn on, Github Codespaces end up being our new collaboration tool.

It worked well, so well, in fact, we want to try Visual Code Studios now. Previously, we were dead set on Atom, Sublime and Pycharm. Here are some fantastic features:

