Technical Interview July 2022 Newsletter

Data Science Bootcamp


It is a bad economy right now. With tech layoffs happening everywhere, our members could use a technical interview review and boost. These are bonus newsletters on the topic of technical interviews. There will still be a deep learning and data science newsletter this month, and will be released shortly.

In this technical interview math review series, we will go over some of the math tricks, patterns used in technical interviews. It’s a special bonus newsletter. These flashcards are especially useful for bootcamp graduates, who didn’t go through the traditional computer science training.

Anyone can view [public] cards. Only paid members can view [pro] cards. Pro costs $5 or less a month. Create an account, log in to message us, vote or like cards. Medium paid members can request a free trial.

Technical interview basics

Bible of Technical Interview. You might have heard of the bible of technical interviews — Cracking the Coding Interview (written in Java), and its author — Gayle Laakmann McDowell. The author is no ordinary author. She also taught at UPenn and UDub (university of Washington). In her book Gayle (who not only wrote the book but made hiring decisions at Google and sat on the hiring committee) explains it’s not just about past academic history or research. “To crack the coding interview. You need to prepare with real interview questions. You must practice on real problems and learn their patterns. It’s about developing fresh algorithms, not memorizing existing problems.”

The interviews at big tech (FANG companies) is a process, decisions are made relatively systematically: decisions are made in groups by the hiring team, there’s a scoring system for each skill, there are many rounds of interviews and a final approval before decisions are made. At Google there’s even a hiring committee that will review your recruiting profile and performance. Especially at google, after each interview the person will score you. The process is a bit faster at Microsoft. In this tech layoff tsunami, nowhere is easy, and highly paid tech positions are highly desirable. Big tech (fang companies) also care a lot about scalable code. They have huge user base, handles big data. Be sure to check out our Rehtinking Fibonacci Sequence interviews guides below.

Technical Interview Basics [public]

Binary Numbers, Bit Manipulation, Hexademical

Memory units bit, nibble, byte [public]

Bit manipulation overflow error, max integer example [public]

What is Hexadecimal, base-16 numbers? (definition) Part 1 [public, pro tip, high quality]

What is Hexadecimal, base-16 numbers? (definition) Part 2 [public, pro tip, high quality]

What is Hexadecimal, base-16 numbers? (definition) Part 3 Converting binary numbers to hexadecimals. [public, pro tip, high quality]

Uniqtech Guide to Decimal, Binary Number and Hexadecimal [public, pro tip, high quality]

Math numbers series, infinite series, numeric series

1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + ⋯ Math infinite series [public]

Question : What is 1 + 2 + 3… + (n-2) + (n-1) + n ? infinite series, math series

What is 1 + 2 + 3… + (n-2) + (n-1) + n ? Part 2 What’re triangular numbers?

Floating Point, Precision

Interview Math Series : Python Floating Point [public]

Technical interview at Google and FANG companies

Technical Interviews: Rethink Fibonacci sequence Part 01 [pro]

Technical Interviews: Rethink Fibonacci sequence Part 02. Understand how does a simple fibonacci implementation using recursion may never finish. How the call tree grows, and how dynamic programming can help. [pro]

Technical Interviews: Rethink Fibonacci sequence Part 2.5 [pro]

Technical Interviews: Rethink Fibonacci sequence Part 03. Fibonacci dynamic programming implementation with cache. [pro]

Technical Interviews: Rethink Fibonacci sequence Part 04. Medium article on fibonacci [public]

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Linear Algebra, Matrix Math, Deep Learning Math

L2 Norm ||v|| or ||u|| [public]

Chain Rule, Review [public]

Deep Learning math formula basics [pro, high quality]

Unit vectors (definition)

Programming Basics and Python Basics

Might be useful for bootcamp graduates

Quiz : What does the Python keyword from mean? [public]

Devtools, IDE, pro tips for developers [public] Why use Pycharm? | Why use VSCode?

What’s Pycharm (definition)? [public]

Porting Python 2 to 3 [public]

Handling datetime with python [pro, high quality, mini project] 🌟🤩

What’s a state machine (definition) [pro]

Graph Algorithms

Shortest Path Algorithms [pro]

Professional Dev Tools

Professional Git [pro]

Working in an engineering team — Agile, Scrum and collaboration tools [public]

Data science tools tested on HackerRank (image below)

Data Analytics and Data Preprocessing

Working with Pandas (data analytics, data preprocessing). Visit the Data preprocessing using Pandas tab

